County Area:
County Population (2019):
County Density:
2,884 km2
307 km-2
Eldoret International Airport
From NairobiÂ
45 Min
Eldoret International Airport
To Kapsabet:
1 HrÂ
Weather Average
The Governor
H.E. Hon. Stephen Sang
The Deputy Governor
H.E. Dr. Yulita Mitei Cheruiyot
Mr. Alfred Lagat
CEC. Tourism
Welcome to Nandi County
The source of champions
The Nandi people are remembered for their resistance to the British colonial expansion into their territory, at the beginning of the last century. They were led by Chief Koitalel Samoei Arap Turgat who was treacherously murdered during a cease-fire negotiation. The fascinating story of this and subsequent events is worth reading.
The British brought “white-settlers” and the railway and much more; but also, one should never forget, tea — or. as it is sometimes called, “char” or “chai” (kiswahili). India could not supply the demand for ‘tea leaves’ by the millions of tea-drinkers in the then huge Empire. Large tracts of the Kenya highlands were turned to this task — much of it in Nandi District. The tea estates were carved out of the beautiful indigenous forests. The estates are still there and are the leading source of income for the District and a major export-earner for Kenya. Much of the forests also remains; but is always under threat by “developers” and a rising population.
Hiking and bird-watching in the forests are popular pastimes for visitors; though it is sometimes tiresome to get permission from KFS. A number of rare birds are indigenous here.
Guided visits to Tea estates and factories are easily arranged and are both interesting and educative.
Nandi County offers a wondrous experience that one is unlikely to find any where else in Kenya, with magnificent green scenery and natural beauty.Â